Sunday, June 19, 2016

here's to the nights we felt alive, here's to the tears you knew you'd cry

song+ Here's to the Night -Eve 6 -Horrorscope
book+ nothing presently
quest+ getting the middle bedroom ready for Rory
upper+ (slow) progress being made
downer+ my bad ankle
attire+ pajamas
drink+ water

this week was, overall, less productive than i'd hoped for. whatever i did to my ankle last weekend, the pain persisted all this week too. i definitely had to take more rest breaks than i usually do. it's painful to stand or walk for more than about ten minutes, so i've been sitting. a lot.

i'm hoping to still be able to finish out the floor in Rory's room before he and mom get home, but there's stuff that still needs to be shuffled out of the corner (boxes stacked near to the ceiling) so i can remove the last of the carpet. since i'm not working today, i'll have to get all the carpet and padding up and out by tomorrow night. i'll still have time to work on the floor for a few days after that, but the garbage-pickup deadline has me feeling a little rushed on the carpet removal, especially since it hurts to stand, so i know the hauling of stuff to the curb will be moderately painful, no matter how careful i am.

my right knee is also flaring up off and on, but it's overall less painful and annoying than the ankle thing. it does suck that they're both on the same leg, but i'll get by. really, more annoying is my insomnia flaring up and skewing my sleeping hours bizarrely. i've been falling asleep at ridiculous AM, and waking in the 11-to-1 range. i can't find myself too upset though, i'm not really know for morning productivity anyhow, ya know?

Sunday, June 12, 2016

take me down into your paradise

song+ Cool for the Summer -Demi Lovato
book+ nothing presently
quest+ getting the middle bedroom ready for Rory
upper+ progress being made
downer+ my bad ankle
attire+ pajamas
drink+ water

mom's picked up Rory by now and they're on the much less direct part of the road trip. i haven't been here a week yet, but i've gotten a respectable amount done. less than i'd hoped, but in my grand planning i forgot that i needed breaks so my body doesn't give out on me. i actually pushed a little too hard yesterday and while i made some visible progress, mostly what i have to show for it is a nasty boob-bruise and a swollen ankle. fortunately, today being Sunday i'd already planned it as an off day, so rest and elevating it should help me be ready to go again tomorrow.

the front third of the room is re-floored, there's still some carpet that needs to go out, but that can happen tomorrow. the thing that's taking the most time is shuffling the food storage so i can work around it. i got some shelving assembled and SEVERAL boxes unpacked and sorted onto it, but there's still tons to get through and i'm pretty much out of shelf space. the boob-bruise came about when i was assembling said shelving. they were clearly designed to be team-built. while i did manage in the end, i caught myself in the plastic anchor pieces trying to wrestle a shelf into place. it's less swollen today, but still a vivid reddish purple patch about the size of a thumb print. the ankle pain came about going up and down the stepladder for hours as i sorted boxes and got cans on shelves. not an injury, just over use.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

what's the difference if i say i'll go away, when i know i'll come back on my knees someday

song+ My Man -Funny Girl
book+ nothing presently
quest+ multiple stages of custom dolls
upper+ creative drive
downer+ insomnia
attire+ pajamas
drink+ water

yesterday mom and i managed a fair bit of progress on the house, even if that middle bedroom still hasn't been cleared out yet. it's getting closer. we were up later than usual yesterday, working later than we usually take me home and running errands on the way. i got home a little before 11, and mom hit traffic leaving town again, so i can only imagine when she finally managed to sleep.

today i'm juggling personal projects, and trying to start preparing what i'll need when i'm at mom's for two weeks. it's not like i'll be able to text kyu "hey, i forgot Thing X, can you bring it by?" so preparation is key. at some point this afternoon i'll likely head up to the comic shop to say hey before i'm gone for two weeks, but i definitely don't have time to play anything today.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

don't tell me not to live, just sit and putter

song+ Don't Rain on My Parade -Funny Girl
book+ nothing presently
quest+ multiple stages of custom dolls
upper+ creative drive
downer+ it's hot and SO HUMID
attire+ shorts and a Wonder Woman tee
drink+ water

today was a little different than Sunday usually goes for me. insomnia and exhaustion battled last night and i was definitely the loser. the result was sleeping late after (finally) falling asleep at ridiculous in the morning. i did go up briefly to the comic shop, but not to play anything. i had to return the skirt i borrowed for Scarbie pt2, since someone else needs it this weekend, and i caught up on the last week of things that have happened to my friends there. mostly though, i've been home today working on various projects. this post is coming super late today since Kyu was already up and on his computer when i got up, so it waited until he was ready for a break.

i'd been lamenting that i have no money for fun things and it's approaching a time of year that lots of things i consider fun are gonna be releasing, and those things will (sadly) not be free. kyu mentioned that he really thinks i could support some of my hobbies if i actually finished and listed the custom MH dolls i've been designing for sale. i figure he's probably right, so today i got out all my spare bodies and hair options and i'm working on some of them. i need to take good photos of the ones i've already done too, that will help show what i'm capable of once i start a thread on the MH forum i'm a member of. i can link my etsy from there and tumblr once i have product to list. finishing some product is the next important step, i guess.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

my heart arranges these magic ghanges

song+ These Magic Changes -Grease
book+ nothing presently
quest+ painting EAH pieces
upper+ no sunburn!
downer+ allergies
attire+ jeans and a Tinkerbell tee
drink+ water

my second Scarbie trip of this season was yesterday, and i wore the finished pieces of my pirate princess costume. it was really cute, and super comfy, so i'll definitely keep going and finish it out. probably use it for my Halloween costume this year too.

the hood was the one piece i'd actually constructed myself from scratch, and i got a lot of compliments on it! a few people asked where i bought it, and one girl thought i was an employee in a shop while i was helping Wes buy his costume. i was flattered, that's a pretty solid compliment on my getup, really.

today i plan to take it easy(ish) and head up a little late with the plastic bits from the dolls i bought a few weeks ago. there's not much left to do on them, i just need to do it.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

lay it all down, throw your doubt away

song+ Light Up the World -Glee
book+ nothing presently
quest+ breathing
upper+ eh?
downer+ allergies and exhaustion
attire+ summer pajamas
drink+ ginger ale

yesterday was Ashley's grad party, and even though i woke up exhausted and miserable and just feeling awful (but not really sick) i still went since i knew i'd regret skipping it. mom and i did a few errands after that were also worth getting out of bed for, but today when i woke up still feeling off and icky i decided to skip my routine, so i went back to bed.

i'm obviously up now since i'm blogging, but no game day today. i had a late lunch and i'm doing stress-free things at home, and i may take a nap later. we'll see. not much else to say, just hoping this feeling goes away soon.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

all my life, one page at a time

song+ True Colors -Kesha and Zedd
book+ nothing presently
quest+ breathing
upper+ FCBD was profitable
downer+ allergies are trying to murder me
attire+ jeans and a striped rugby tee
drink+ Arizona strawberry kiwi juice

yesterday was Free Comic Book Day, and i spent it at Wild West doing sketches for tips. i was there from 9am to 10pm, and while i didn't match last year's profits, i did respectably well. today was a slow start because my allergies made me sleep poorly, but i'll be headed up again in a bit to work on the Pokedex Challenge again. it got put aside for a while, as i cycled through other things, but it's time for it again.

other than that i don't think there's much going on with me? i'm doing okay.