Sunday, December 21, 2014

you think you know me, but you're dead wrong

song+ Stronger -Kelly Clarkson -All I Ever Wanted
book+ nothing presently
quest+ several plushes
upper+ one ready for delivery
downer+ out of time for Christmas prep
attire+ comfy pants, hoodie and Tinkerbell tee
drink+ water

we got a lot done at mom's yesterday. Rose came along, and we worked on various little things all day, getting an impressive total done in the end. i spent most of this last week working on the Cubone plush, and it's done and will get delivered today, so that's cool. now i just need to bust out the ones i'm doing for the kidlets, that need to be delivered this Thursday. xD i'm sure i'll get them done in time. nine small things will probably somehow end up easier to get done than one big thing, because that's how things tend to work out for me.

it's a little strange to be heading up for game day again today because the last two weeks i didn't make it. i had choir practice and the concert, then i was shaking off an allergy something that left me feeling crappy. i'm great again though, so i'm sure i'll manage to get a lot done today. exciting optimistic thoughts. yay!

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