Sunday, March 29, 2015

when the city goes silent, the ringing in my ears gets violent

song+ Jet Pack Blues -Fall Out Boy -American Beauty American Psycho
book+ nothing
quest+ figuring out at-home productivity
upper+ the weather's been nice this week?
downer+ no more game day on Sundays
attire+ pajamas, yo
drink+ milk

so there was the latest in an off-and on string of difficulty and drama at the game store, and the long and short of it is that Warmachine Sundays will no longer be happening there, leaving my weekends more free, but removing somewhat-dependable time to work on my various projects.

i picked up on muffin-baking again this week. i used up the strawberries i brought home from mom's in pretty basic muffins, then yesterday i tried out (sour cream) chocolate-butterscotch muffins. successful overall, i love the butterscotch chips, they add just the right level of interest to the chocolate muffins themselves. the sour cream and syrup muffins have a light texture to them that i really enjoy.

lately i've been wanting to play something new, but that's a problem because a) i have no idea what new thing i want to play, and b) i have no money to acquire said new thing once i figure it out. so i've been looking to my standby: replaying lesser-played games, but even then i don't really know what i'd rather play. i could work on one of my several in-progress perfect files, or i could redo one of the shorter handheld games i own. vague urges are the worst.

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