Sunday, October 11, 2015

how do i breathe with all this pressure on me?

song+ Easy Breezy -Hikaru Utada -Exodus
book+ nothing?
quest+ more Pokedex Challenge
upper+ progress
downer+ back cramps
attire+ pajamas
drink+ water

i started pushing myself to work on the Pokedex challenge again a few weeks ago, and i managed 12 at knit night a few weeks ago, and another 10 last week, then yesterday at home i buckled down and did 27 more, putting me (finally) into gen 4 with the drawings, which means i'm definitely more than half done. generations one, three, and five have the highest count on new Pokemon (each with something like 150), with one and three also having the most mega evolutions, so being past all that means much more than it sounds like to someone who doesn't really know Pokemon. my plan is to push myself on it weekends and Tuesday nights, ideally if i do i can take the finished notebook for reference when i draw at Halloween Comic Fest and say to people "i can do you a drawing like one of these, but bigger" and they'll be like "oh, yeah, that sounds great" and my 3DS battery won't get drained by people who can't think of a Pokemon to have drawn.

anyhow, my issue today is trying to maintain that momentum with the productivity, but not pushing myself so hard i lose interest. maybe eating something eventually.

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