Friday, February 18, 2011

State of the Neko address: week 52

song+ Starstruck- 3OH!3 (ft. Katy Perry)- Streets of Gold
book+ DQ6 guide
quest+ getting decent thread for my sewing machine
upper+ i'm nearly done with the Showgirl dress
downer+ it's hot and the air conditioner's not working yet
attire+ summer pajamas
drink+ water

the first ever English-language version of Dragon Quest/Warrior 6 came out this week. Kyu bought it for me Tuesday and i just beat it to get the secondary ending tonight. honestly it was really no better than the first ending, hardly different at all, so i feel a smidgen cheated. at least i can assert confidently that i don't think 6 is the best of them, 4 is still my favorite. really what this means is 1) i'm a mega-nerd for beating it (twice) in three days, and 2) i now only need to get DQ7 and i'll have played every one of them. i know that the sound of the DQ theme alone fills mom with rage and despair, but i love it and the series as a whole tends to satisfy me more than any other game i've ever played.

otherwise, i've made significant progress on Xavin's showgirl dress. i need more feathery fluff for the backside and it'll be done. my computer is refusing to read my camera again, so if i have to i'll upload pictures from Kyu's, but there should be pictures soon. i'm very happy with how it turned out from both a pattern making standpoint and as the first project made with my new machine. i now know how i'll have to approach my EID sewing to get the seam allowances i'm used to so things should be great soon. i'm still lacking anything other than blue thread, as every time i arrange for someone to take me to get useful colors something happens, but this weekend for sure, i'll manage somehow to get at least black and white thread. blue can be used with purple fabric and it's not the end of the world, but no way can i use blue thread to sew a wedding dress from semi-sheer white fabric! xD

mom's newest doll arrived today and i now have her in my possession. i'm waiting for the humidity to let up a bit so i can do (and seal) her faceup. hopefully it'll get done this weekend. i know pretty much what mom wants, and i know what colors i have to work with, and i think i know what the doll will let me do for her, so the weather's the hangup now. not much else to say on this until she's done really. xD

i was feeling pretty sick earlier in the week, but things seem to be fine now. i think it was a tummy bug but since there's nothing wrong now i'm not exactly going nuts worrying about it. it's what kept me in bed Monday and Tuesday, then the rest of the week was catch-up sewing work and DQ obsession. since i've beaten it though, productivity should return.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

I'll be at UTA today and could run you around a bit if still needed. Call me.