Thursday, June 2, 2011

State of the Neko address: week 67

song+ ET- Katy Perry- Teenage dream
book+ nothing
quest+ getting my hair red
upper+ this week has been mostly awesome
downer+ i may not have enough for hair dye?
attire+ jeans and a red blouse
drink+ water

i just realized it's Thursday and i hadn't yet posted for this week. xD i've had a great one though, been busy and social and productive.

Sunday night Wolfie and Suzy were in a motorcycle accident. they're both okay, but the bike didn't make it. essentially they were heading down Cooper (a 7-lane street for the reference of non-local readers 3 one way, 3 the other and a turn lane in the middle) in the left lane going their direction when some jerk in the far right lane decided to make a 90 degree turn across two lanes to make it to the turn-lane. he cut off other cars too, but Wolfie had to lay the bike down to keep from being hit directly by the front end of that guy's car. Suzy fell off and rolled and another driver's good reflexes kept her from being hit (just scraped and bruised). Wolfie ended up flying over the bike and landing on the car's front hood, at which point the guy gunned the engine to make him fall off it and tried to flee the scene. he didn't get away. the bike is a loss (after less than a month of having it) and since there's PLENTY of witnesses the guy's insurance will be the one paying out. this led to me chihuahua-sitting during the requisite hospital trip to check for damage and get tetanus shots, then more overnight when they stayed with a friend to be pampered.

Monday was Lachelle's bridal shower. Jenni picked me up so i was able to make it and spend some time catching up, then after that i had plans with Krista. we went up the the Highlands and visited Moose at work. she did our makeup for fun, really so we could visit and have it look like she was still working, then we left her and visited all the neat stores we never really have time to look at around there. Charming Charlie's is possibly the neatest store ever. i got a cute little black headband with a satin bow and some black feathers, and i kinda fell in love with this delightfully gaudy peacock-shaped bracelet that's practically made of swarovski crystals. i didn't get it, but i'm still thinking about it three days later, so i might at some point. it manages to cross the border from tacky to fantastic, i think. xD but basically Monday was running around having an awesome time looking at things we mostly couldn't afford.

Tuesday was my chill day this week. i slept in, walked the dog, not much else. did a little further housing research locally. after the motorcycle drama of the weekend Kyu realized he's not ready to move away from his family. less as a security thing for him and more as a "what if they need me?" thing, so we're no longer thinking we'll move out of state and i've been refocusing my search on a few different local areas. i'm okay with Arlington, most of my family is here after all, but i'm also looking at other places that could be options depending on how a few other things work out in the next few months. for sure when our lease is up in October we want out of this place, even if it's to another apartment for a while, but i hate it here. before i just didn't like it, now i hate it. it sucks and i'm ready to be gone, so in October we will be.

Wednesday was another Krista day. we visited the one store we wanted to try out but couldn't Monday since they were closed, then headed to the mall to do more "oh i wish i had money" shopping together. xD Krista isn't a fan of the mall, so a nearly-barren Wednesday early-afternoon is the best time for her to go. we did find some really cute outfits for her though. almost entirely clearance items, so we actually made a return trip later and her boyfriend bought them for her. i did get one cute blouse (also clearance) though. i like shopping the closeout racks because with a little creativity the items can work in most any season, and if it's there for being damaged, my sewing skills are generally more than enough to repair something. my blouse had some lazy sewing and a few loose buttons. after about 10 minutes with it at home it looks fine, and not like a 12 dollar shirt. xD

today is scheduled to be a Moose day with a side helping of additional Krista. xD this morning Moose and i will be (most likely) doing my hair. i have an urge to be a redhead that was never actually accomplished before, so i figure if we could get me green before, we can probably get me red now. the dying is dependent on if i can find a shade i like for about 5 bucks since it's what i have left after yesterday. after hair adventures (however they turn out) we're meeting Krista and going shopping for Moose's anniversary gift to Eric. she's excited and a bit nervous as most of her relationships have never made it to a year. i think i'm a little jaded having been with my high school sweetheart for 9 years as of April.. xD i'm sure the three of us will find something good though.

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