Monday, August 15, 2011

State of the Neko address: week 78

song+ Musical Ride- Hanson- Shout It Out (this is fantastic and everyone should listen to it!)
book+ Key of trilogy
quest+ getting my Uni-girls blushed and dressed properly
upper+ my mood has been rather up lately
downer+ issues are coming up regarding our moving goal
attire+ denim skirt and a tank
drink+ milk

the last week has been both strange and uneventful. my mood has been more chipper than other recent times, but i've found myself entirely incapable of focusing on any task long enough to complete it. that means that i haven't done anything worth mentioning in the last week at all, except maybe the half-doodled dresses i wanna make for Althea and Amelia. meanwhile Kyu worked two jobs (like normal) and came in 6th or 7th (i can't really remember) out of 20 in a Warhammer 40k tournament Saturday. it's not enough to advance, but it's an improvement in his skills for sure, so he's pleased. also he managed to trade some stuff that was just sitting around for a brand new Warsphinx for me, so that's even better. xD

i know the general design i want for starter dresses, but i'm still working out the closures in my head since one will have to work around Amelia's hooves and that's a substantially larger opening than working around Amelia's human legs and hips. i'm also still deciding what material i'll be working in as i make them. i don't want anything too stiff, but i also want a certain degree of sturdiness to the dresses. at this point i'm thinking possibly a cotton hankie as a base, but that still leaves thickness, color and trim undecided. there are some things i think it's better to take slow though, if i don't rush myself, i'm less likely to make a mistake from desire to just be DONE. xD i'm actually thinking of trying black for the material, and pastel ribbons in their signature colors for trim and closures (over snaps for security), but since i'm still working out the details in my head, there's nothing i can show off on this project.

i think the most inspiring thing that's happened this week was that Thursday i had one of those dreams where you're fully aware that you're dreaming, but you can't wake up until your subconscious is convinced you've picked up on whatever message it keeps throwing at you. it was a good dream, and it left me feeling good about a few choices i didn't realize i'd been worrying over, and it left me inspired to do more to make my future as good as the one in the dream. i think some of the dream was just my brain relaxing, but a good chunk of it felt like prompting towards where i should be in my life. like a higher power saying to me "look how great you could be with a little more effort, all of THIS is possible for you!" and that made me want it very much. it didn't give any step-by-step directions, because prompting from beyond never works like that, but it left me thinking hard about what i REALLY want, and now i think i know what that is. i'm not ready to say it yet, but i'm like 70% sure i'm headed in the right direction to get there. maybe when i hit 90% i'll be ready to talk about it to someone other than Kyu. *shrug*

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