Tuesday, July 16, 2013

pretend this went up Sunday

song+ the rain outside
book+ FF9 guides
quest+ umm
upper+ so many ideas
downer+ so little focus
attire+ summer pajamas
drink+ milk

once again, i didn't realize until today that i totally forgot to post anything Sunday. i meant to. i even thought about what i'd say on Saturday, then i spent about 14 hours playing Final Fantasy 9 (which i'm borrowing from James) and it completely slipped my mind.

ah, belated happy birthday to Rory. i did say it on the proper day, but here it's all archived and official. xD

so far Moose has followed through on her offer to visit dad together once a week. we saw him Friday and he requested more art for his walls, so we spent that afternoon at her apartment painting for him. i got one finished and one mostly there, but in bringing it home some of the paint scratched, so i have touchups to do on both before this week's visit, which i'm thinking will likely be end-week again.

i think that's all for this week. i've been reading or sleeping or playing videogames and not much else lately leaving me with not a lot to talk about.

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