Sunday, October 19, 2014

the rest of the world was black and white, we were in screaming color

song+ Out of the Woods -Taylor Swift -1989
book+ nothing at all
quest+ the Pokedex challenge
upper+ good things are happening lately
downer+ off-and-on toothache
attire+ leggings, shorts and a Wonder Woman tee
drink+ pineapple soda

so today as a game day will have a slightly different order of events than normal. Wild West is hosting their own game day of sorts with all kinds of other stuff going on, so there really won't be room for us, instead we're heading to Kieth's house and the guys are playing some huge thing on the game table his dad built for him. i'm still taking my art bag and planning to work otherwise.

yesterday was a good day. i feel like mom and i got a lot done even if it took a long while to actually get to the painting part, and some things went wrong in the process. the halls are pretty much done, so mom can put the new flooring down this week and not have to worry about paint drips or whatever.

i'm sure there's more to be said, but mornings and i, we're not on the friendliest of terms. ugh. xD

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