Monday, November 10, 2014

cause we're young and we're reckless (we'll take this way too far)

song+ Blank Space -Taylor Swift -1989
book+ nothing at all
quest+ the Pokedex challenge
upper+ dental shenanigans are happening
downer+ sleep patterns are wonky
attire+ pajamas
drink+ water

my routine changed on Sunday, so i totally forgot it was Sunday, and thus totally forgot to post. oops. xD

Kyu's insomnia acted up and we both woke late, then he decided he'd really rather stay home than head up for game day. which i was fine with, but that had my brain thinking it was a Saturday until i got a reminder text from Michelle about Stake Choir Practice. i did okay, so i'm sticking with it through the Christmas program in a month.

otherwise the extractions at the dentist Thursday went fine. the sensitivity is nearly gone now. just momentary twinges really. i go back this Thursday for the other half of the cleaning, but recovery from that will be much less intense, i should think. xD

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