Sunday, November 30, 2014

they used to shout my name, now they whisper it

song+ Yellow Flicker Beat -Lorde -the Hunger Games: Mockingjay
book+ choir music
quest+ several plushes
upper+ i had a REALLY productive weekend
downer+ i'm feeling a bit sore
attire+ leggings, denim skirt, Supergirl tee
drink+ water

today i had a two-hour choir practice, so i now have at least a passing knowledge of all the songs we'll be singing in a week. really i should probably run through them all every day this week, i wanna be sure i know them.

my Thanksgiving weekend was a good one. i spent it at mom's, and we got a lot done. so much that i'm feeling a little sore still today. i don't really think about how hard we're working while it's happening, it all seems minor until i'm back home and the fatigue has time to bloom or something. xD

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