Sunday, July 5, 2015

may the bridges i have burned light my way back home

song+ Fourth of July -Fall Out Boy -American Beauty American Psycho
book+ nothing
quest+ DQ8 perfect file
upper+ pumpkin muffins
downer+ crazy insomnia
attire+ pajamas
drink+ dr pepper

i had an awesome time at the parade yesterday with mom, Jenni and Kayla. in a move surprising absolutely nobody, Kyu chose not to go. he asked me to wake him up before i left, and i totally did, but when i got home again around noon he still hadn't gotten out of bed. i can't really judge though since the first thing i did after getting home was nap for 6 hours. in my defense, that was after more than 24 hours awake. my insomnia's been insane lately, i'm either zombie-tired, or completely unable to sleep, there's basically no middle ground and i can't predict which will happen.

at some point today i'm likely to crash again and sleep for an indeterminate length of time, but that doesn't feel like it'll be in the next few hours. right now i'm trying to figure out a way to play DQ8 without Kyu having to see it since it's one that he actively loathes. i try to be reasonably considerate of his preferences, but there's no way i can set my PS2 up without him seeing it, it's not like i have a tv in my room. i almost did, but it died before i managed to do anything with it.

i've been sublimating the DQ urge with pokemon challenges since those are all on handheld systems so he's not a witness, but DQ8 has been haunting my mind, and i really wanna take another go at it. i did play it to the post-game once, but any time since then i've stopped playing relatively early because it really does bother Kyu that much. at this point though i kinda don't care, he's been binge-watching Good Eats reruns and youtube compilations of pro-wrestling matches from the 90s, some from the late 80s in Japan even, so if i can deal with that all week, he can deal with a few hours of me playing DQ.. later.

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