Sunday, November 15, 2015

let the rain fall down, i'm coming clean

song+ Come Clean -Hilary Duff -Metamorphosis
book+ nothing?
quest+ artistic productivity
upper+ lots of progress
downer+ muscle aches
attire+ brown sundress
drink+ water

this weekend was a good one. i was back at mom's after a month and some where our schedules didn't mesh so we took time off, and we got somewhere around half of her bedroom floor redone. the rest should be simple enough to catch up, so the next few weekends are likely to see that happen.

i've also made small steps of measurable progress on several of my own projects over the last week, so i'm feeling productive on a personal scale as well as the home renovation stuff. i'm ready to take the next several steps on Muffin's Christmas gift, and i'm pushing forward on several cover projects too. i'm feeling pretty great all-in-all, even if my brain is being a big jerk sliding into this manic phase.

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