Sunday, November 29, 2015

take back the holly and mistletoe

song+ All I Want for Christmas Is You -Vince Vance and the Valiants
book+ nothing?
quest+ finishing Muffin's gift
upper+ thinking of taking up a new hobby
downer+ my poor smashed thumb
attire+ leggings, a denim skirt, and a Thor tee
drink+ milk

ugh. i've been home again from Wild West for about half an hour, i walked the dog and had a snack, then i sat down to write this and completely blanked on what i wanted to say. in my defense it's been a really long weekend.

Thursday mom picked me up for Thanksgiving at Bonnie's, after which i went home with her so we'd have the whole weekend to work on the house. we got a lot done, but i also managed to smash my thumb with a mallet while setting the new flooring Friday around 1pm. it's not broken, but it's bruised to hell and back and noticeably swollen still. it's splinted so i remember to rest it so it can heal.

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