Sunday, April 3, 2016

all i know is you said hello (your eyes looked like coming home)

song+ Everything Has Changed -Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran
book+ nothing presently
quest+ multiple custom dolls
upper+ my time is my own again
downer+ still sore from last weekend
attire+ pajamas (for now)
drink+ milk

so day two of moving didn't go much better than day one. we weren't called over until 2 in the afternoon, and there was still a full day of work to do. my allergies were so bad it looked like i was coming down with pinkeye. i described progress to Rory as it looking like Ninja Warrior had tried to build a course out of the contents of a Hoarders episode. i had a brief blackout around three, followed by my knee dislocating while i was carrying boxes down the stairs. it stayed out of socket for about four hours, at its worst swelling to the size of a cantaloupe. all in all not a good day.

the rest of the week was basically spent recovering. today i get to go to game day again after some time off the last few weeks. i need to hurry and figure out which arty project i'll be taking up to work on until others show up to play. or to keep working on if i just don't want to play anything, as is sometimes the case. some days i just want to watch other people play and not try to think logically. when i'm manic it can be really hard to think in a way that works for strategy games, so it's easier to observe and art those times. i've been manic for quite a while now, closing in on something like two months now i think? it makes everything trickier and i'm ready to think in a straight line again, but honestly mania is still a better state than crushing depression. they both suck, but while i have troubles with mania, i can still DO things a bit easier than when everything is terrible and i just want to sleep for eternity. my insomnia is generally more intense when i'm depressed. like it's not a guarantee, mania keeps me from sleeping too, but it's more likely when i'm down.

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