Sunday, May 22, 2016

my heart arranges these magic ghanges

song+ These Magic Changes -Grease
book+ nothing presently
quest+ painting EAH pieces
upper+ no sunburn!
downer+ allergies
attire+ jeans and a Tinkerbell tee
drink+ water

my second Scarbie trip of this season was yesterday, and i wore the finished pieces of my pirate princess costume. it was really cute, and super comfy, so i'll definitely keep going and finish it out. probably use it for my Halloween costume this year too.

the hood was the one piece i'd actually constructed myself from scratch, and i got a lot of compliments on it! a few people asked where i bought it, and one girl thought i was an employee in a shop while i was helping Wes buy his costume. i was flattered, that's a pretty solid compliment on my getup, really.

today i plan to take it easy(ish) and head up a little late with the plastic bits from the dolls i bought a few weeks ago. there's not much left to do on them, i just need to do it.

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