Thursday, April 15, 2010

State of the Neko address: week 8, part 2

song+ Fever- Michael Buble
book+ Sandman Mystery Theater
scent+ glue
quest+ saving to visit Roro
upper+ Kyu's Chloe came in
downer+ FCBD stress
attire+ WW tee and jeans
drink+ water

and so it begins. today started this year's FCBD (Free Comic Book Day for those not in-the-know) prep work. today 4950 items got labeled.. only 21175 to get done in the next two weeks. yippee. We were supposed to have it all by the end of next week, but since there's so much this year, we'll still be getting it the week it has to go out. meaning up until the day before it's due in the stores, we'll be busting our butts to finish it all. when we thought we'd be done pleasantly early, Jacinda arranged to have the 29th and 30th off. FCBD is May 1st this year. now we know that i'll essentially have the 29th to try and get everything labeled and properly sorted for the needed distribution to our stores. Even if i call in Tiff to help, it NEEDS to be done by 10:30 Friday morning or it won't go out. that sounds okay until you think about me having other Friday-run tasks i do from 4-6 Thursday afternoon and from 9 until about 10 Friday morning. so really, it all needs to be pretty much done and dissed out by 4 or 5 on the 29th which could prove to be exceedingly difficult. granted the bulk of our leftover labeling should get done next week (14350 items) leaving less than 7000 pieces (plus distribution) for the last week, which seems a lot more manageable, but that makes next week a total nightmare. ugh.

i expect my shoulders to ache pretty much nonstop for the next few weeks.. it happens every April. it'll only be worse if i actually make it to a fabric store so i can start on James' cape. two different shoulder-stressing repetitive motions to deal with until the end of the month. wahoo, i can hardly contain my excitement. X.x

so things are obviously very exciting for me. just a bit less fun than i'd prefer.. xD


Lynn said...

Oye. Just, oye.

Jenni said...

I feel your pain about too much to do and not enough time at work. you are tough and can make it!