Monday, August 16, 2010

State of the Neko address: week 26

song+ Black Sheep- the Clash at Demonhead- Scott Pilgrim vs the World
book+ Warhammer Dark Elves codex
scent+ pasta
quest+ rgetting my srmy purchased and painted
upper+ i'm doing well so far
downer+ even with my discount, Warhammer is expensive!
attire+ work clothes
drink+ milk

this weekend was great! our costumes came out nicely, though at the last minute we decided against Roxy for Moose and went with Demon Hipster Chick instead. it was awesome and i totally forgot to take any pictures at all, but as soon as i can find someone else’s i’ll share them. xD it was so enjoyable that i saw it a second time (Saturday morning) with Kyu and James.. and also got the soundtrack. it’s awesome.

my Dollmore order for Eve arrived and i took pictures, but my computer is being stubborn and won’t recognize my SD card. it does this from time to time. as soon as it’s cooperating again i’ll share the pictures.

i suppose the other big news from this weekend is that i’m starting a Warhammer (fantasy) army. i bought some Dark Elves and their codex this weekend, and worked up an army list so i know what i wanna buy next so i don’t waste my money on pointless units. xD so far i’ve got two boxes of Warriors and one of Corsairs, all front line cannon fodder (each box a separate unit), a War Hydra and its Beastmasters (another unit), and a Sorceress (who stands pretty much alone). i still have a good bit to buy, but i don’t mind taking it slow and learning by watching other people’s games before i try playing. xD i also get to get them all painted up, and that part is very exciting. i got my War Hydra unit assembled last night, so painting on it should start pretty soon. i’ll take pictures as things get completed though. knowing my limitations (painting speed and likelihood of distraction) i figure by the time the stuff i have is painted, i’ll be able to afford the next things i need. xD next up is likely to be my Harpy units, and possibly Morathi & Sulephet (the Witch Queen on her Dark Pegasus), leaving my Witch Elves, Blood Cauldron, and Assassins for last. well, Kyu’s actually buying me Morathi this weekend, but for all the rest i’ll be buying new units as i finish painting the ones i have. i don’t want to end up with an army of ugly, unpainted models. xD Kyu has that happen time and again.. he regularly builds up his army and gets too lazy to paint it since he decides it’d be more fun to play a different army entirely.

i suppose that since i’m getting into a third absurdly expensive hobby (the first being dolls, the second comics) i should get back to doing combos for store credit. xD store credit could cover the last two hobbies, leaving me enough actual money for day-to-day expenses and the occasional indulgence for the first hobby. even though i’ve put myself on doll-buying hiatus, i still find myself buying doll clothes, shoes, and jewelry. really though, i’m far from the worst offender when it comes to unbudgeted dolly spending. most of the time my control is phenomenal. xD

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