Thursday, August 26, 2010

State of the Neko address: week 27, part 2

song+ Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride- Disneymania
book+ American On Purpose
scent+ pasta
quest+ gsaving up enough to get this girl
upper+ it shouldn't set me back too much
downer+ i get paid SO little.. *sigh*
attire+ work clothes
drink+ milk

i haven't made new progress on my army, but i have managed to make myself a liar since Monday. xD i swore off dolly purchases for the rest of 2010 a while back. i'm like 98% sure i'm buying Iplehouse's belly-dancer for their Noctarcana Circus line. her name is Carina and she's a gorgeous Indian-looking sculpt with full pouty lips and gorgeous light brown resin. her order period ends Sept 16 so i'm thinking it's safe to assume i can pull together (at least) a third of her cost to start a layaway by then. i'd prefer to pay all at once, but that's unlikely, so i'm aiming for layaway. she's absolutely stunning and one of the first Limiteds where i'm in love with the faceup as much as the doll, even if it does cost extra.

as lovely as the sculpt name (Carina) is, i think i'm leaning toward Talia as her name. i thought of using Corrina, or Corryn, but neither sounds authentically eastern to me, they're too urban south. xD so Kyu suggested Talia (working in a comic shop it was an easy suggestion) and i realized how perfect it is for her.while i still plan not to do further doll purchases this year, i'm thinking that this girl will be my birthday gift to myself. i'm thinking so far i'll do no blushing, different wig, faceup, outfit, no mobility joint, and the medium bust. i'm not 100% sure on all that, but it's what feels most correct right now. i'm also not absolutely settled on the name. in spite of being entirely different in culture, i also like the name Lamia, and some of the biblical ones too, so i'll probably do some research to find the perfect name for her. i want her to be just perfect. she's already put stars in my eyes, see? *_*


Lynn said...

Or maybe "the harlot Isobel"? Please tell me that is not rickrack on her lovely, expensive costume? (She's gorgeous.)

nekokoi said...

haha i guess it is? it's thicker than the normal stuff though, so i kinda didn't connect it before xD