Monday, August 23, 2010

State of the Neko address: week 27

song+ My Heart- Paramore- All We Know Is Falling
book+ Black Hills
scent+ pasta
quest+ getting my army purchased and painted
upper+ i'm doing well so far
downer+ even with my discount, Warhammer is expensive!
attire+ pajamas
drink+ milk

i’ve made some progress on my army. Morathi & Sulephet, my War Hydra and Beastmasters, and my Sorceress are completely painted and based. my Corsairs have brown crossbows, that’s all the progress i made this weekend, but with the level of detail i went for, it’s an impressive rate of progression. pictures when my computer stops being stupid-stubborn.

i did convince James and Naku to come over Sunday for some non-hobby-based socializing. it’s been a while, last time i saw Naku was at Scarbie this summer when i took Suzy. the hormone therapy is progressing pretty quickly for Naku. i noticed a few inches of extra height, and also a much deeper voice that sounds vaguely cold-ravaged. xD i know my voice gets deeper when i’m sick and Naku sounded kinda like that deep post-cough scratchiness. i think when it settles at a deeper register the scratchiness will probably vanish. the height surprised me though, we used to be the same height, and now i'm just barely shorter. since i'm absolutely positive i haven’t shrunk, that really only leaves Naku getting taller. xD in an effort to be inclusive by not homing in on any divisive hobbies, we ended up playing some of year one on Lego Harry Potter in co-op play.. most of which time was spent with me saying "hey, go there to that pink sparkly thing so we can do this thing and move on. no not there, over here, where i’m jumping!" xD it was a spazzy good time.

i'm really hoping Moose gets the rest of her stuff out soon. she said by the end of this month, but she still has LOADS of stuff in the room. like she’s really only moved her clothes and her laptop. she’s slowly packing up the rest, like for the hour in the morning before she takes us to work, she’ll be over early and pack a box or two. she still has a week to get it all before she’s a liar, but i’m getting impatient with the seeming lack of effort at all. i know i've had moves where i was still doing packing at the last minute, but that’s cause i own a LOT and every moment up until then was also packing desperately. it’s kinda frustrating to feel like an afterthought in my own home, to my own family no less. *sigh*

speaking of frustrating, we’re still having the same issues we had when we moved into this apartment last August. our A/C is perpetually broken (and we do the only repairs ourselves since our maintenance man is a moron) and nothing has been done at all about our pest control issues. it’s honestly to the point where i think if they can’t fix both problems (and the bug issue is because there’s holes in the walls and ceiling that they live in) they need to pay for us to switch to another unit that doesn’t have these problems. a year is WAY too long to have to deal with either problem, much less both. ugh. whether it’s to a new apartment or just within this one, a rearranging is imminent.

we decided to clean our apartment from the bottom up this weekend, to prepare for said pending rearrangement. in doing so, i noticed that some of my movies and stuff aren’t there.. it’s strange because i can only think of possible locations for a small part of it. like, i know i loaned specific things to Tiff, but there’s other stuff that i haven’t seen in months at all. like my Ace of Cakes DVDs, i know i loaned them to mom, but she returned them MONTHS ago, and now they’re nowhere to be found. *sigh* i’m hoping they turn up soon, like "oh! how did these get here? this is random!" and i can put them away where they go. i'm hoping for it, but not expecting it.

i guess nothing’s really happening with me lately that anyone else will find interesting. xD i mean, i know people that are thrilled i'm taking up Warhammer, but they’re other players that are excited about more options than the same three people they always play against. xD there’s also a hope that if i play, the other girlfriends are more likely to also. i dunno about that, but i know my weekends are already far more social than they had been. in fact, there’s a (short) road trip planned for this weekend to the Games Workshop store in the Grapevine Mall. it’s not much of a road trip, but there’ll be like 6 of us going, so it counts, in my opinion. xD it’s a road trip in my book if there’s three or more people in the car and it takes more than 30 minutes in good traffic to get there.

this judgment bias really goes to show exactly how entrenched i am in my big city living. i can’t do spacious country living without noise/ air/ light pollution. i totally freak out all "jeez! why is it so bright during the day? holy cow! i can see stars, but nothing on the ground! i CAN’T SEE what’s making that terrifying noise! the air’s too clean, it hurts to breathe it!" plus a gazillion allergens lurking in wait, ready to do their best to kill me. xD that’s what i sound like every time i go out to Nowheresville to visit Kyu’s biological dad’s side of the family. along with the occasional demand of a piggyback ride of the grass is too tall and will touch my skin if i try to walk through it.. don’t judge me! i’m entitled to my neuroses and phobias! xD


Jenni said...

You make me laugh AND I love you anyway!

Lynn said...

If the violin is part of what she hasn't taken, and it hasn't been ruined or infested, I'd be happy to take it off your hands. She doesn't play it, I paid money that I really couldn't afford for it, and she's already not speaking to me...