Tuesday, March 22, 2011

State of the Neko address: week 57

song+ Double Vision- 3Oh!3- Streets of Gold
book+ Dark Elves codex
quest+ getting ready to sew again
upper+ i feel much better
downer+ i hurt my back dancing Saturday
attire+ shorts and a tank top
drink+ milk

the cloud of depression that hovered over me for the last few months seems to have finally dissipated. Saturday i left the house for something other than walking the dog, and Sunday i even spent hours with strangers/neighbors actually talking. that hasn't happened in a long time/ever. yay feeling human again!

anyhow i feel motivated, which is good, and i spent yesterday working on my Warhammer Fantasy army again for the first time since like last November. i spent hours making a model for my general (Hellebron) since she doesn't have a company sculpt as far as i know. i picked a model from another company that i could divest of any identifying characteristics and after doing that i spliced on weapons and hair taken from another model before sculpting the other parts myself to make her resemble the character described by the army book. of course i'm going for the young-for-two-weeks version and not the crone-for-the-rest-of-the-year version. i'm pretty pleased with how she turned out though, and today she should be ready to paint, since the sculpted parts should have set by now, so that's exciting. plenty to get done today.

i've decided to split my focus between working on the doll clothes stuff and working on other fun things. i think forcing myself to focus too narrowly on getting set up killed my drive and helped bring on the funk i've just managed to shake, so my plan is a more balanced approach this time. while i'm thinking more about my army, i'll work on it, and when my attention wavers (as it's likely to in another day or so) i'll get back to the sewing and stuff. i am looking forward to making progress again, now that i no longer feel like my touch will wither any attempts into automatic failure. xD

on an unrelated note, i'm nearing the two month point on my wait for my PukiFee Shiwoo.i know i still have a while to wait, but now i'm getting really impatient. i'm just ready to have her adorable-ness at home so i can make her absolutely perfect and squeal over how absurdly adorable she is. she's gonna be SO so cute, and i totally can't wait to make her adorably frilly ensembles so she looks like a little delicately frosted pastry ..only she'll be a kitten too. xD


Jenni said...

Glad you are feeling better. Good luck creating.

Lynn said...

LittleFee Rachel has caught my eye. She won't let go of it. Makes it rather hard to knit!