Wednesday, August 24, 2011

State of the Neko address: week 79

song+ Carry You There- Hanson- Shout It Out (this is fantastic and everyone should listen to it!)
book+ Three Sisters trilogy
quest+ figuring out navy and silver on white for fur blushing
upper+ i feel creatively inspired
downer+ i have a ton of other things that take priority
attire+ denim skirt and Human Torch tee
drink+ water.

it's Wednesday and i just realized i have yet to post this week. oops. xD it wasn't really anything i planned, i just forgot to.

i think i've come around to the point where i'm ready t think about selling things i've sewn again. i pushed too hard last time and completely discouraged myself, but the idea of starting simpler than i did before, using my prior efforts differently is appealing. i'm not thinking i'll plunk down and make a bajillion doll dresses and sell them all in days, but i'm thinking i may play around and make a few one-off designs, take my time with them for the pleasure of it. things my girls won't wear except to model them, and then see what other doll owners think of the results. i realize that in some ways i'm way too picky about the quality of my work, and so i tend to think nothing i do is goo enough to sell.. the thing is, any time other people have seen a finished product i'm asked if i really made it, and then why i'm not selling, so i guess other people aren't so picky. so i guess i'm gonna play around and see what i turn out, then see what i can get for it. we'll see how that goes for me.

it's been a few weeks and i still haven't even started on the blushing and face-ups for Amelia and Althea. i haven't been in the right frame of mind to work on them and not screw up, and i don't wanna have to try for days to get it right, so it's been easier to wait for my mood to settle. i want them finished, but i wanna do it right, so i'm making myself wait. a big part of it is the difficulty i've had in the past getting a dark fur color to blend well into pale Soom resin. i want Amelia's hoof fur blushed dark blue and silver, and against the creme white, that'll be pretty hard. i know how i want it to look in the end, nut i'm unsure of my techniques to reach that point, so i'm still researching. xD Kyu thinks i should wait until we buy an airbrush (he wants one for painting his 40k army) but since i don't know how to use one at all, i really don't see how that would make anything easier.

another thing Kyu suggested was getting a second dog. lately Harley's behavior has been regressing (presumably in a bid for attention) and we've responded with more walks, more playtime, and stricter punishment when she misbehaves. but she's still convinced that peeing on the carpet is a surefire way to get our attention, along with barking when we're trying to sleep. Kyu thinks that another dog would giver her a different source of attention when we can't play with her. i think that Harley's already about the most pet we can fit in this apartment, feeding another dog would cost a good bit more than we spend now on dog food, training a new one would be hard with Harley likely to set a terrible example, and the odds of finding a second dog that fits the criteria i'd want in a second pet (a lab-mix of some sort, shortish hair, medium build, female, and free) are slim. we can't afford to buy a dog. dogs are expensive enough to take care of, all the cost-of-ownership stuff is too much, so for now i'm saying it's not possible. i can't deal with more than one misbehaving, mess-making, attention-starved dependent at this point in time. we'll just be using her kennel more and training her behavior a bit more insistently.


Lynn said...

Maybe you can teach Harley or the new dog how to airbrush?

Jenni said...

Plus your pet deposit will go up for an additional pet.