Sunday, May 19, 2013

i'm terrible at waiting, i think everyone knows this

song+ the Harold Song- Kesha- Deconstructed
book+ my P4 guides
quest+ basic productivity really
upper+ i'm ready to try out season 1 of Elementary
downer+ still waiting on the downloads of ep11 and ep12 to finish
attire+ stripey boxers and a green tank
drink+ kiwi-strawberry Snapple

this week was a good one. i dunno what made it so good, but with the exception of a HUGE allergy flareup, everything went pretty well. like i don't really have anything obvious to show off and say "look at me acting like a grownup!" but baby steps, and i can see small changes happening.

i'm feeling a familiar impatient itchiness, but i at least recognize the source this time. since the first season's aired, i'm about to start watching Elementary, but i'm still waiting for two of the episodes to finish downloading. i prefer to just run through all at once, so i still have to wait for a while. i'm also waiting on Kyu so we can watch yesterday's episode (the S7 finale) of Doctor Who. he's at Dallas ComicCon this weekend (getting paid to help run the buy table), and Muffin had a bad weekend at the ren faire (she's a cast member) so she'll probably be over here tonight for feel better snuggles and accordingly, the DW watch has been pushed to tomorrow night. i'm okay with it (i actually suggested it), but i'm also trying really hard to avoid the next-day spoilers i KNOW are all over the internet. i'm okay with giving them decompression time this weekend though as i'm fond of them both and they're both dealing with a full week of work, a weekend of MORE work, and back to the grindstone for another week of work come Monday morning.

i spent lost of yesterday waiting out my downloads (and avoiding my usual online routine so i wouldn't spoil the DW finale) by playing Persona 4, which i'm really enjoying. it's a fantastic game, and my only issue is that i'm a completionist, and my neuroses have me repeatedly running through the same levels of a completed dungeon waiting for the rare monsters to spawn, then when they do, cursing them for not dropping the loot i need from them. i want everything, and i play most of my games against carefully constructed checklists so i can get everything as efficiently as possible. trying to get 3 monsters (that only spawn in one dungeon, exclusively on rainy days, confined to specific floors, at specific rates) to drop their items took me from about 11:30 to 2am before i decided to go to bed since i hadn't had any luck. i can only hope they feel more generous today.

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