Sunday, March 2, 2014

more pokemon this week

song+ Girls Girls Boys -Panic! At the Disco -Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die
book+ nothing
quest+ finding a job!
upper+ i have most of what i need to get the ID stuff finished
downer+ small annoyances seem huge lately
attire+ black tights, boots, tank and sheer tuxedo blouse with khaki shorts
drink+ water

as mentioned last week, i've been thinking about pokemon a lot, so i've been playing pokemon a lot. i've already talked it out with most anyone who'd care, so i won't really get into it here, but that's why i don't have much else to talk about.

today is the first day of Kyu's efforts to get the comic shop (now called Wild West, though years of habit has me still referring to it as LSC's central store in my head) to run game days for War Machine. i'm gonna head up with him to watch some games. several people have said it's a better fit for me than Warhammer was, so i'm gonna watch it at least. i'm a very visual learner, so watching games get played is how i figure things out best.

i plan to have my art bag in case it's just totally not my thing. i have ideas for dresses for my EAH girls, that i think are pretty true to their established aesthetic and characterization, while embracing a more modern flavor, so we'll see if i can articulate those designs on paper enough to start figuring out patterns for a new teeny doll type. xD

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