book+ my Runaways hardcovers
scent+ chocolate (i opened the godivas)
quest+ making room to set up my new desk
upper+ wolfie explained the specs of the computer i'm getting and how to upgrade it (later)
downer+ i'm kinda bored..
attire+ pajama bottoms and a hoodie
drink+ milk! i (still) loff milk!
i just finished taking the photos of the kids in their new clothes, so i thought i'd share them! still nothing for orlando, because his clothes are expensive and kyu can take care of that. i'll spend 15 to get vivi something to wear until kyu finally buys something for him, but i won't spend 60 to dress orlando. clothes in his size are expensive. as soon as i have a working sewing machine again (and kyu buys some fabric, i'm not covering all the cost) i'm perfectly willing to make him stuff. that's why there's still no photos of him though. not lack of love, lack of clothes. anyway, here comes the photospam. i was too lazy to lug everything to the photo space i put together upstairs.. instead i threw a blanket over the laptop and made do. that's why the background is funky though.
vivi doing a new-shirt dance
another new top, this one's actually bea's but she's willing to share. xD
dancing a "i've got new clooooooothes!" dance..
..even though the pants don't close in the back. they cover his bum better than bea's though. i'll move the velcro over when i have a new machine. hand sewing velcro is a nightmare.
this is a cute outfit, but i'll have to remove the ribbon suspenders. they make the skirt ride up to a skanky degree.
adorable new shorts. they even cover her butt! i just had to remove a small panel from the inside to make the drawstrings functional
a hello kitty tee to match her panties. xD
it fits like the first one, she wants it to fit like the second.
supercute boho top.
somehow, this slightly padded top became a boobie black hole. she looks flat as a pancake!
black leggings (that hardly show up, my bad) to layer under some of her shorter/looser skirts.
this skirt was cuter online.. the top is adorable though. little gold and silver spangles on it.
this is why i never try bea's skirts on larxene, in case anyone wondered. they don't even cover her butt!
the only thing in this order that came close to fitting larxene was this top, and it barely covers her ribcage. the sleeves are cuter on her shoulders though. if i layered this over a longer top, it would be adorable!
that's everything though. what do ya'll think? two entries in one day! xD go me!
Cuuuuute clothes. How much were the two shirts Kyu is wearing? If you get me them both, I'll sew a pair of pants and a shirt for Orlando. As a trade. :3
err, you mean vivi? kyu would be my felesh and blood boy. xD the dragon one and the griffin one were (i think) 3 dollars each. the outfit with the stripey shirt and pants that don't quite fit was 10, but the velcro thing is an easy adjustment (with a machine) if that's all that's holding you back. that trade sounds like a good idea. xD i'll make kyu cover the (appx) 20 for all 3 if you want them. since the boys are his, that seems fair to me. xD
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