Tuesday, February 26, 2008

puppy! xD

song+ On My Own -Les Miserables
book+ a strategy guide for lego star wars the complete saga
scent+ lemon girl scout cookies.. and fresh puppy. xD
quest+ finding kyu a good set of weights
upper+ my money hit and i ordered my computer!
downer+ i hate waiting..
attire+ pajama bottoms and two tank tops
drink+ milk! i'm running low though

we have a puppy now! xD when kyu was at walmart sunday there were people selling their puppies, but we got ours for free. she is so cute! her name is harlequin (harley for short). she's half black lab, half husky. about 7 weeks old, mostly trained to go outside (sometimes she misses the newspaper in the middle of the night). the photos i have are from my photobucket. kyu took them, so any issues with quality or centering or whatever will fall on deaf ears (not that i've recieved any photo critiques here before). she's definitely a daddy's girl, she starts to whine the moment kyu leaves the room.

because she's so little and hunter's so mean, she's been sleeping in our room, but that won't last too long. when she's big enough to not get eaten alive, she'll go in the living room with the cats. we're currently working on leash training, and not seeing people as chew toys. we're attempting this almost entirely with positive-reinforcement training. it's a little hard for me not to yell when she does something wrong, but studies have shown that if you ignore bad behavior and reward good, they strive to repeat the behavior that earned them something good. it's working so far. the bunny and the rope are both part of the chew toy training, so she won't eat anything else she shouldn't. so far the only casualty has been kyu's xbox headset, which he never really planned to use. anyways, on to the photos! xD

extreme puppy closeup! xD
snuggling kyu's shoe and her bunny.

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