Monday, May 3, 2010

State of the Neko address: week 11

song+ On A Night Like This- Kylie Minogue- Light Years
book+ Red Pyramid
scent+ chocolate
quest+ saving to visit Roro
upper+ i made the second Rosalie payment!
downer+ FCBD stress
attire+ green tee and jeans
drink+ milk

dancing Friday night was awesome, it felt great to just let go. i'm still crazy tired though.

i'm that stage of tired where you can't get to sleep, but you know you need to, so you do tiring things to convince your body and mind they want to rest. this is the stage of tired where insomnia drives me to rearrange furniture in the middle of the night. at least this time i mentioned the possibility to those most likely to walk into whatever i move around. xD i wasn't always so thoughtful. I settled instead for finally unpacking the BOXES of stuff that got shoved into the far closet and forgotten when we were trying to condense enough of our stuff to accommodate a roommate. it's mostly clothes boxes (t-shirts, costume pieces, ill-fitting pants) but there's some other stuff too. the books wound up in a different closet i can no longer get to though, and i miss some of them dearly.

it dawned on me at three am (about when i was going to bed) that i own a lot of clothes, i can just never find more than like 15% of it at a time! xD that's why i wear the same groups of items again and again, and by the time i find something else, a few things have hidden themselves away in obscurity. like as i was cleaning i realized i own way more black tee-shirts with (mostly comic book) designs on them than i'd ever realized. i usually can only find two or three at a time though. also- underpants. i probably still have every pair i bought in the last 10 years. i found myself saying to myself (more than once) while cleaning/unpacking “oh this is CUTE! I forgot i had it!” and really conversing with yourself and an inability to sleep (even when bone-weary tired) are probably signs of madness, but no one was around/awake to judge me, so whatever. xD

tonight i must venture forth and buy hangers. i gave Moose every spare we had when she moved in and now i have exactly two. i have considerably more that needs to be hung up. xD after that (and BBT/HIMYM) i intend to continue my tidying process, because more still needs to be done before i can actually rearrange anything like i'd like to. xD there's piles of stuff in the way still. i did get the hardest part done last night though, so the rest should go relatively smoothly.. i hope so at least. optimism, yay!

after the hangers have been acquired, i'll see if i still need more drawer space. it's a distinct possibility since Kyu owns a bajillion and a half pairs of jeans. pants are something i don't like to hang, i think they take up too much space that way. shirts and skirts hang much flatter so you can fit more. especially if you buy the smart skirt hangers that can clip to each other to take up one vertical space instead of like 6. i love those hangers.. if i do need drawers though, i'll likely go for the broad, flat stackable ones in clear plastic. i think a few of those would be plenty, and more space efficient than stacked narrow drawers that'd hold less each. i know they hold less, they barely contain my dolly wardrobe things. i still need more bookcases too, but that'll probably wait until the new apartment. there's not really room for more in the current one. xD

really, i'm thrilled FCBD is over, but i somehow still feel its looming specter over me. like no matter how i try i'll NEVER ESCAPE IT! :o oh noes! maybe it's because even though it's passed, there's still a ton of labor-intensive time-sensitive tasks to get done like right now. X.x July can't get here fast enough for me. i am totally ready for time off and for Roro awesomeness. I LOVE YOU, RORO!

This is random -fair warning here- but what would the plural of 'uterus' be? uterus', uteri, uteruses? it's a word rather like 'omnibus' that i have trouble with so i keep it singular when at all possible. xD i have this issue with most words ending in an “us” or “iss” sound. except hippopotamus/hippopotami, that i'm set on. xD i have a similar problem coming to terms with mouse/mice vs moose/moose. shouldn't the one ruling apply to both?


Lynn said...

Different root languages. I'm having great fun researching this ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

Thanks for giving me the germ of what may become one of my most offbeat blog posts...

Jenni said...

We only have one so maybe there is no plural???