Monday, September 20, 2010

State of the Neko address: week 31

song+ Nails for Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks- Panic! At the Disco- A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out
book+ Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide 2010
scent+ white chocolate and lemon cake
quest+ getting Carina
upper+ new TV seasons start tonight!
downer+ i am pitifully poor
attire+ work clothes
drink+ milk

this weekend was nice, i really enjoyed Easy A, it was really funny. smart funny too, not crude funny. Saturday at Grandpa's was nice too, i got the rest of my army assembled then spent most of Sunday painting one piece. xD it’s almost done, all that’s left is the heart dripping blood being held by the giant idol of the god of murder. it looks as gaudy as an idol should, i think. lots of jewel tones and sparkly metallics for it, so the blood effect will really stand out and i wanna do a good job on it. next up i think i'll do the crossbow/bolt thrower guns and their attendants. also the Shades. then my horde of Witch Elves. then maybe i'll finally get to finishing the regular spear-men soldiers. xD

considering other people that have had their armies FAR longer still haven’t made measurable progress painting *cough*James*cough* thiers, i'm making good progress. xD i have almost four units painted, he has i think like 10 or so spear-men. out of his gazillion and twelve things. he has more High Elf options than one person could ever actually need. lots of others also procrastinate the painting though, some of them have no plans of ever finishing actually. xD

tonight though, since it didn’t happen this weekend, Kyu and i plan to work on getting the office cleaned up and move the last of the bedroom-junk out of it. it’ll happen around premieres of two of the shows i watch. i don’t watch much, but tonight’s the premiere of the reboot of Hawaii 5-0, and i have high hopes for it since i absolutely adored the original even if i was catching it in reruns and kinda younger than the intended demographic. xD a good show is a good show. *shrug* i'm hoping this one’s as good as the other show reboots that have succeeded lately. but yeah, i think the goal for tonight is to clean up the remaining clothes and stuff in the big room, then maybe move some of the tables and desks in there, where they won’t be in the way downstairs. there’s a lot to do there, but only a little keeping it from being an office soon.

i need to find time to do the data entry too this week, it’s zipping along and soon won’t be a viable option for additional income.. and i'll need the credit before too long for the Wonder Woman prop set i ordered back in February. xD it keeps getting delayed, but if i leave the credit on my gift card, it’ll be there when i need it.

i wonder if it’ll arrive before Halloween? i'd love to wear it as part of a costume! xD i could to a work-appropriate version with my logo tee and a blue star-spangled skirt. it’d be kinda like doing a Golden Age version, but with sleeves. the one constant throughout her costumes have been the gauntlets, tiara, and lasso, so as long as i have them, almost anything else could be used. xD since Halloween’s on a weekend this year, any dressing up would be on Friday and would need to be appropriate for a trip to the bank and wherever we’d eat lunch too. that’s not really a problem if it meets work dress code guidelines though. xD the most common solution to de-skanking a costume is judicious application of opaque tights, but i think that’d ruin the aesthetic parallel to the character. yes, i'm really that nerdy. i have to admit i find it kinda bizarre that i, a person who loves every aspect of costuming, fell in love with a guy who hates costumes. he can’t comprehend what about them is appealing at all. the urge to be someone else for a time makes sense to him, but he can’t wrap his mind around how i become someone else by changing my clothes. really the power in dressing differently is lost on him. *shrug*

in cool stuff talk, Kyu and i went across the street to Fuzzy’s for lunch today where we bumped into mom and Sister Van. xD i gave mommy a stealth ninja hug from behind and we chatted in person for a few minutes, it was pretty cool. then i learned that one of the awesome people who used to be in my department is coming back to the company. not in my department, but it’s still cool to see him again.

okay, something that’s gotten kinda annoying- i don’t like the phone, but sometimes in the course of doing my job i have to take calls. somehow my name is misheard four out of five calls. i get called ‘Stace’, ‘Stacy’ or frequently ‘Beth’ which really is the most bizarre, but i can understand since it’s the name of our main Customer Service person. really though, ‘Faith’ isn’t that hard to pronounce. the way i spell it has nothing to do with how it’s heard at all! X.x i only bring it up since i got called ‘Stace’ (rhymes with face) twice today. seriously, it’s not even a name! :( whatever, maybe i should go back to introducing myself as "Faythe, like the virtue" that at least got understood even if i sounded pretentious. xD

i agreed today to help Moose with her Halloween costume this year. it’s provisional help though. i specified that the serger will under no circumstances leave my apartment. i refuse to pay for any material, notions, or patterns needed to construct anything. my help is offered strictly from a troubleshooting standpoint, this is not going to be a "help me? why aren’t you done with my costume?" situation. the last time she tried that my machine broke when i said i was done being her sweatshop and she took her turn. X.x the plan this time is to help with the design, and any deciphering of patterns. i'll teach her to use the serger and ensure she neither breaks it, nor loses any appendages using it. i'll help with detail work and finishing, but i'm really gonna approach it like a high school project, withholding my efforts and evaluating her as she does it. i may even grade the end result, we’ll see how annoyed i get with her during the course of construction. xD or if it even happens, she may think my terms for assisting are too harsh, if that’s what she thinks it’s no skin off my nose, i have enough other projects to keep myself occupied.

thinking about it more clearly, it makes more sense to reserve a Wonder Woman costume for outside work, and use my new tie and scarf as basis for a Hogwarts Ravenclaw costume for my work costume. a school uniform easily falls within work-appropriate attire. xD and i can nitpick accuracy with the continuity as much as i want without sliding into the skanky zone too. in retrospect it should have been obvious. i can just make a black pleated skirt and wear other things i already own and presto, instant costume! i'm even relatively certain i have a uniform-weight black fabric and a knee-length skirt pattern at home already so it's all good. yay! xD

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Sounds like you have your hands full.