Thursday, September 15, 2011

State of the Neko address: week 82

song+ I Do Not Hook Up- Kelly Clarkson- All I Ever Wanted
book+ In the Garden/ DQ5 guide
quest+ finishing my tarot arcana designs
upper+ inspiration has returned!
downer+ i did like.. nothing for the last week
attire+ pajamas
drink+ root beer float of AWESOME

it's late in the week for this. i have no good excuse, inspiration just abandoned me last week after i finished Jenni's paintings. i hadn't thought of a single clever thing, anything at all worth noting or sharing since then until i woke up today with 3/4 of my High Priestess design just sitting in my head waiting for me to notice it.

after waking i took a few moments to scribble what i had for refinement after i walked Harley. xD now that i'm kinda back in the swing of things i do feel much better. fiddling with the remaining details of High Priestess has started sparking ideas for the corresponding Wise One outfit. i think that with the ideas i have percolating getting back on-track this weekend should be relatively simple. yay!

i suppose that i should share other news here too since that's what some of you come for. xD Kyu is officially no longer tattooing. this is his second week of not working two jobs and the change in his mood has been phenomenal! i waited a bit to share the news with everyone because last week Vance (the shop owner) kept trying to convince him to come back for touch ups or to work again, or even to get free work. this week that seems to have stopped after finally communicating his dissatisfaction with tattooing as a career choice. the way the not-doing-it came about influenced his desire to stay not-doing-it too. about two weekends ago Vance told all the apprentices that the shop was closing, then asked Kyu to come by the next day to talk about something secret. the secret wound up being that he wasn't actually closing and just didn't feel up to firing the others directly. X.x that pretty much drove the nail into the coffin of Kyu's desire to do it. he doesn't mind the actual work of tattooing, but he hates the drama and backstabbing in the shops around here, and it's colored his perception of the field to the degree that he has no desire to look for another shop elsewhere in spite of his being really good at it.

i just want him to be happy, and since he's started making noises about wanting to draw comics again, i'm encouraging that. it's been his dream since Superman was killed to draw comics that influence young minds like that one touched him. if he's ready (again) to start trying for that i'm happy for him. it was fear and inconvenience that halted his last effort, combined with dissatisfaction over the direction superhero books were heading, but he's tried harder (far more inconvenient) things in the meantime and the fear has lessened greatly, so he's feeling ready to try again. yay him. it does help that he's realized he'd rather draw a monster book than a cape book. that realization seriously alters his aim heading into things. xD

when he was growing up there wasn't really a market for supernatural books, they'd fallen in sales and been canceled every time they'd been attempted, but Hellboy (then BPRD) really changed that. it made people realize that a monster book didn't have to be a cape book with monsters, it could be crime procedural, or buddy-cop, or historical drama.. any number of things really, now there's actually enough of a market that doing one isn't just for established creators looking for something different. these strange books are actually how some people are making their names. in the last few years more and more non-standard books came out from smaller publishers, and sold well enough to actually finish the initial storyline out. these books were frequently the first books put out by their creators and the successes left them with openings to do MORE. i firmly believe that Kyu is good enough to do the same, if he can just stick with it. he doubts his talent, and his perception of SELF shifts often enough (taking his art style with it) that he discourages himself from thinking he'll ever be able to succeed. X.x since nothing i say to him ever makes a difference i need to say it here. i believe in him.

also, the teaser up for Iple's newest limited girl- the Old West one? she looks stunning and i can't wait to see the whole doll, even though there's better odds of ice-skating in a volcano than being able to order her for myself. xD

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