Thursday, November 3, 2011

State of the Neko address: week 89

song+ Whiplash- Selena Gomez & the Scene- When the Sun Goes Down
book+ research for various projects
quest+ uh finishing my TK army list?
upper+ Thanksgiving is approaching!
downer+ Halloween has passed (it's totally my favorite holiday like ever)
attire+ pajamas. the warm ones
drink+ water

so i'm late with posting this week. i've been distracted by everything ever. this week has had book reading (more research than pleasure), tv episode marathons (30 Rock), completing Final Fantasy 3, and getting halfway through Final Fantasy 4. plus actual socializing! xD on Halloween i actually attended a party for an hour or two, and since my friend Krista works at the dentist literally right across the street from my apartment complex, i've been spending the hour between her getting off work (at 5) and being picked up (at 6 when her fiance arrives) with her most days. i keep meaning to share something, but nothing has really happened that seems worth sharing. X.x

i've been really wanting to play some of my PS2 games lately, so i'm frustrated that it died almost a year ago. the spinny thing stopped spinning and the reader fritzed at the same time, so yeah, no gaming on that for Neko. *sigh* i've wanted to play Dragon Quest 8 for months now, and only recently i was struck with the inexplicable urge to play Blitzball in Final Fantasy 10. i've always hated it before, but for some reason i wanna craft a competitive team now and finally figure it out. for those that never played FFX, Blitzball is kinda a hybrid hockey/soccer game that's played by teams of 6 swimmers entirely underwater. it's hard to pick up and for someone who just wants to play the story of the game, the one time you're forced to blitz, you grow to loathe it and become disinclined to try it ever again. for some reason i now think i want to though? ..but i can't because my PS2 is dead and i have no funds to get it repaired or replaced.

so yeah, things have been pretty boring around here..

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