Sunday, March 31, 2013

LBD 30 day challenge: day 31

day thirty one: i know it's a thirty day challenge, but March has 31 days, so this is a summary day i guess. it's been a month and LBD is done and i'm not sure how i feel about it (hence being a day off on posting here at the end) because it was really good, compelling entertainment, but now it's done and there's nothing left to look forward to. i definitely recommend it to others, it's better than i expected any web-original production to be (which i guess means i'm a snob? oops) and just.. compelling, which i totally already said. i liked the changes from the original story, i liked the bits of original dialogue that were kept entirely, really i just loved the whole thing and i'm kinda sad it's over. i'll probably get around to buying the DVD sometime after it comes out. until then there's the youtube playlist to watch, even if it means enduring repetitive and obnoxious advertising.

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