Sunday, August 4, 2013

August is off to a good start, i think

song+ Fall Out Boy (all of it ever, on shuffle)
book+ various art books
quest+ ah, focus ?
upper+ Sailor Moon Another Story
downer+ no new challenge to do yet
attire+ pajamas
drink+ dr pepper

it's kinda odd now that i don't have a challenge auto posting for me daily anymore. the last few days my blog has come up with the same post leading things off and my brain takes a minute to catch up, asking why the magic waiting bit hasn't shared my pre-created words and pictures yet. xD

i have a few half-formed ideas for challenges i could do, but they're kinda large-scale undertakings across the board, so definitely not daily things. things like an outfit design for every major arcana in the tarot, or a draw every pokemon evolutionary line kinda thing. i've also been thinking about putting together a sidebar link to (as yet uncreated) challenge master posts for people that wanna go back and look at older things for any reason.

i know i don't really draw much anymore. i used to draw more, but my default style shifted to a simplified animator's barbie kinda thing around my senior year of high school, much better for ease of design, but not good for much else. i think i might wanna teach myself to draw other things again. i know i'm still capable of something like realism, but it didn't used to be so hard, so i've thought about challenges designed to flex art skills too, i just need to find one i guess.

i'm still a big nerd though, so i've also thought about doing a self imposed challenge of a kind. kyu's doing a series of drawings for fun that boils down to, what if X character was a pokemon trainer? so far he's asked my thoughts on Jack Skellington and Harley Quinn, i'm thinking of doing the Sailor Moon characters as pokemon trainers based on their elemental affinities. no idea if i'd rather draw them or sprite them, but it's something that i think would be fun either way.

in any case, i have idea for things, so now it's just a matter of getting around to following through on anything at all. xD

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