Sunday, September 1, 2013

it's the Eye of the Tiger, the thrill of the fight

song+ Miss Missing You -Fall Out Boy -Save Rock and Roll
book+ fanfic
quest+ finding coherent thought
upper+ found my next challenge
downer+ words are hard
attire+ pajamas
drink+ water

not exactly rising up to the challenge of our rivals, i am completely unprepared for the pokemon 30 day challenge to be a September thing, maybe next month.

on the bright side i do have cold Italian leftovers to eat and an internet full of things i haven't read about yet to keep me entertained. Muffin is staying with us for a few days while the roommate she actually gets along with is out of the state, in Georgia doing helpful hings for another friend attending Dragon*Con. i like having her around, but i'm definitively not part of any of their leaving-the-apartment plans. i can't really complain about that when to make up for being left out (partially because her truck really only fits two) i've gotten Italian food and two pounds of Jelly Bellies to make up fpr it. xD

i've refused to eat jelly beans at all (much less this specific brand) for about a decade for specific reasons relating to triggering my mental things and emotional damage left by careless people i probably loved too much, but i've been okay so far this weekend. i've probably had less than 30 of them overall, and there's been no binging or emotional spazzing thusfar. yay growth and progress! last time i had them, i overbought specific flavors for specific reasons and ate like 5 pounds in a day and a half and had a crying breakdown and really things were just unpleasant all around because really, 5 pounds of jelly beans (even gourmet ones) in a day and a half is overkill for anyone, much less someone with stomach issues and an intolerance of sugar abuse. i was sick mentally and physically for the rest of the week and i avoided them until now, but i really think i'm doing okay so far, both with those specific flavors and the others, and also the control thing.

my throat hurts and i don't have my voice today, but i'm reasonably sure it's unrelated to emotional trauma or jelly bean overdose. xD sometimes i just wake up with a raw throat and no voice. *shrug*

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