Sunday, September 29, 2013

um yeah

song+ Royals -Lorde -the Love Club EP
book+ my DPPt-era pokedex
quest+ the pokemon 30day challenge
upper+ productivity, yay!
downer+ running out of time to finish the pokemon drawings i need
attire+ pajamas
drink+ milk

i've had fun this week with Kyu. generally i prefer to watch tv a season at a time because i'm terrible at waiting, but a handful of shows all started up in the span of like a week, so we've been watching them together next-day. so far it's Sleepy Hollow and SHIELD on Tuesday night and Elementary (season 2) Friday when Kyu gets home from work.

i've only managed one more pokemon drawing since Thursday, but it was one that required more reference than the rest, so i'd had to skip it earlier. today will likely be dedicated to doing as many more as i can, since i'm really not too far from actually finishing. i'll likely buckle down and see how many more i can get done today when i've finished my internet-ing. because internet is totally a verb now.

i feel like there's something else i wanted to be saying, but i can't remember it for the life of me. i guess if i ever do i can just post again, but it's an annoying feeling. ugh, whatever.

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