Saturday, March 1, 2008

new computer dance!

song+ the theme song to Batman: the Animated Series
book+ err, the instructions to put together my computer desk? xD
scent+ chef salad
quest+ loading all my music into iTunes
upper+ the computer is here!
downer+ i have to upload all of my music to iTunes again
attire+ jeans and a red and blue stripey polo tee
drink+ nothing at the moment *gasp* milk in a while

i got my computer! yay! xD the first thing i did was install fireworks, the second: iTunes. then it occurred to me that i have no music on here, and uploading it will take a while. i'm understandably procrastinating the uploading process.. this morning i bought an ethernet cord, so yay my own internet! i no longer have to fight for dibs on the laptop!

i spent some time making a banner.. i know it's huge, but it fits on my monitor, and i like big banners. let me know if it's so big it causes page stretching, i can resize it then.. even though i don't want to. xD when i make a new banner in a little while i'll try to male it smaller.. even though empty space next to a banner drives me crazy. X.x

roro called to talk to me for a while, it was good talking to her, and i can't wait until she comes back to texas! yay for that! err.. i think that's all.. now that i have my own computer, i'm able to post whenever i want! huzzah! xD


Lynn said...

Love the banner. *Want* that red dress!

nekokoi said...

i thought of you when i did both of the red outfits.. i was thinking of doing a doll of you in the less poufy one (before i found the big one) that said "real women wear red" xD