book+ so many to choose from.. xD
scent+ nothing outstanding
quest+ trying to finish some of the video games i've abandoned
upper+i still love my new computer!
downer+ kyu won't let me play lego star wars yet..
attire+ pinstriped pajamas. i'm big pimpin
drink+ milk
tuesday is the longest day of the week for me. X.x it's when we get in all the new comics and pull orders and stuff.. we were actually done relatively early today, but i had to train tiffany to do some of my job. i would have been done and out by 6 (for the first tuesday in about a month), but due to the training we actually didn't clock out until closer to 6:45. X.x so i'm a bit tired. i get to look forward to going in an hour early tomorrow to set up for the mail order subs too. yay.

so in things unrelated to wasting hours dolling, i bought lego star wars (the complete saga) for the xbox360, but kyu confiscated it. 1) because he can't stand the game and 2) because he wants his weight set. he's holding it hostage until i buy the set for him. that's okay because i still have several other games i never beat. i have a really bad habit of getting to the end of a game then walking away for several months. that way i have time to decompress and i'm never disappointed with the ending of the game. i played through tomb raider in a weekend and when i beat it i was like "that's it? you're serious??" so while i'm waiting out the saving period that LSW is being held hostage, i can still work on beating Persona3, Final Fantasy 12, Blue Dragon, Trauma Center, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger, and like 4 different Pokemon games.. xD i am such a flaky gamer.. to be fair though, all of those are spread across about four different consoles.. so it's not quite so bad, i think. the only games i definitely beat straight away are Zelda games. i've got four or five of those that i beat in a day or two each.
Oh my heck, that doll is like me before a dance! [In terms of the rapid changing of outfits, not the outfits themselves, most of which would be the sartorial equivalent of that woman who had facial surgery so she now looks like a cat. So, no.]
It's seizure-tastic! No but really, it's very cute. <3
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