Tuesday, March 2, 2010

State of the Neko address: week 2

song+ Without Love- Hairspray
book+ Buffy Season 8- Retreat
scent+ cream cheese
quest+ saving for Dolpa
upper+ hmm.. milk is yummy?
downer+ i'm not sure what..
attire+ lounging clothes
drink+ milk

a day late on this, i was sick yesterday. some today too, but i went in to work anyway. only a sudden death is a good enough excuse for missing a Tuesday. i do hate being sick, it makes me feel icky all over. a really bad sick day makes you feel icky on the outside too, even when it's just a tummy bug. i'm pushing through it though, i have responsibilities and obligations to meet, and i need as close to full paychecks as i can get for the next few months to have what i said i'd save for Dolpa.

in deference to the prior arrangements i'd made, i'll be holding off and not ordering Rosalie just yet. she can wait until the next Real Skin event. Iplehouse does them every 6-8 months, so that'll give me time to save for and enjoy Dolpa, then have enough to order when my income isn't otherwise committed. there's also another idea for a girl doll i'd like to do kicking around the back of my mind, but there's no need as yet. if i do her, i'll likely name her Hunter.. she'd be either JID Amy or I, in white skin either way. she's still just an absent thought though. i dunno if i can handle her.

Moose is getting on well at work. she filled out her official employment paperwork last week (Wednesday maybe?) and has already been bumped up the career ladder. she's outperforming other employees that had a one or two week head start on her, so my estimation of reaching a leadership position quickly is looking pretty accurate. in the next few weeks she should finally be able to take the big steps so far as car-related financial obligations go, so that's good. i'm proud of her so far.

i think that's it for this week. keeping it relatively short this time. xD we'll see how next week goes.


Lynn said...

Yay Moose! (pass it on)

Jenni said...

If Rose in interested in some car advice and thoughts on what she can reasonable work towards in the future, please tell her to let me know. I don't really know how to best get ahold of her.

--Not that it is your job to pass our messages along, but congrats to her for seeing the benefits of her hard work and you too for your awesome mentoring.