Monday, March 15, 2010

State of the Neko address: week 4

song+ As Long As You're Mine- Wicked
book+ Magdalena- Blood Divine
scent+ OLD book
quest+ saving to visit Roro
upper+ i'm feeling creative again
downer+ craft supplies are expensive
attire+ work clothes
drink+ milk

so last week was kinda meh. nothing bad happened, nothing great happened. well, yesterday was my (just about) quarterly Cheesecake Factory outing with Chaunte. xD we mean to go more often, it just works out this way most of the time.

last week Final Fantasy XIII finally came out. i've been looking forward to it for like 3 years, so i was super psyched. lots of drama with the shipping and all, but long story short, Amazon sent me the ps3 version which (being ps3-less) i can't play. so i bought it as GameStop Saturday afternoon (with the intention of returning the incorrect order to Amazon for a refund) and i've made decent progress. according to my save file, i'm at chapter 5. the book says there's 13 chapters. that's pretty good for one weekend's playtime, i think. i must say i'm absolutely adoring it so far. absolutely worth the wait and the stress and the hype. one of the most brilliant and innovative games i've played in a long time, and so far, all the characters manage to be interesting, if not especially likable. the character who's design i liked most has turned out to be my favourite personality too. i like when that happens. xD i look forward to playing it more, possibly even breaking my self-imposed no-weekday-playing-of-consoles rule. i put the rule in place to encourage getting to bed at a decent time. xD i think with the generous spacing of save points though, i could play tonight and be able to save and go to bed early enough to be productive tomorrow. i know kyu's already sick of hearing people talk about it, but it really is supremely awesome. xD

before i play tonight i have to finish my combos for store credit though. since i'll have done 3 boxes, sometime this week i'll have 21 bucks in credit put on my gift card. next week i'd like to do more boxes, i'll just have to start sooner than Sunday night. we'll also have to figure out how many boxes we can fit in moose's car, since all three of us are doing them. maybe if we cleared out her trunk we could all do more.. or we'll just bring them home in staggered shifts. xD and bring them back the same way, over two days at a time. it could work well enough, i suppose.

tonight might also be the night moose bleaches (then dyes) my roots green. i've got about an inch of dark growth from the past 3 or 4 weeks. having hair that grows absurdly fast really makes it kinda difficult to have unnaturally coloured hair. xD the green is a surprisingly good shade for me though, and it makes me happy, so i definitely plan to stick with it for a while, annoyances and all. moose enjoys playing around with different types of styles, and kyu pretty much always wants something other than what he has going on. me, i tend to stick with what i like for long stretches. i figure if it works, why mess with a good thing? i know a lot of people wonder WHY i chose to dye my hair green and the simple answer is- i like green. it's my favourite colour, it makes me feel settled and peaceful, it flatters my skin tone. it's fun to play it up with the clothes i wear. also my real hair colour is boring, since i wanted to make it something different anyhow, why not go for something that speaks to who i really am? when people see me with this hair, assumptions may still be made regarding what i'm like, but 'boring' is pretty much never part of it. xD i've actually had more older people tell me they like it than any other age range, teenagers are (surprisingly) the most judgmental. out at restaurants the people closer to my age don't say anything at all, but the older crowd is full of "oh, that looks really nice on you"s and "little girl, green is a good color for you" and even "oh that's so fun!" xD it's kinda cool, really.

not much has happened creatively, since i've been distracted by the video games and the earning of store credit.. i'm sure i'll pick up on things again before too long though. i still need to buy a few more things before i can work on the projects i've had planned for a few weeks now. craft supplies are expensive. i forget that when i'm between projects, or using what i already have. anytime i have to buy more though, holy crap do i remember craft supplies are expensive. xD i've spent a relative fortune the past few weeks on glitter, rhinestones and paint. the feathers and craft mask were pretty cheap, but the rest is NOT. i still have to get bigger brushes, and more canvas, and possibly some sort of air-drying sculpting medium.. or i can do sculpey/fimo and hope it doesn't shrink/skew when i bake it.. i dunno. i'll figure it out though. since it's just a personal project it's not like i have a deadline to get it done by or i fail a class.. my projects are mine alone, and while i do miss having a structured learning environment, i enjoy being able to follow through on my ideas when i feel they're ready and not when someone else wants it done. being pushed to finish sooner (or even worse to draw out the duration) was my least favourite part of any art class. real art comes when it's ready to be made, not when a teacher demands its production. so while i'm enjoying the ideas i have, and gathering materials to work on them, i'm still a long way from completion, and perfectly okay with that. they'll be done when they're ready to be done, and at that point i'll figure out what i'm meant to do with them. xD i'm sure there's a market for jewel-bright rainbow glittery mixed media sculpture/paintings of an overemotional nature (with an underlying theme of broken hearts and abandonment), right? i mean who wouldn't wanna hang that kinda thing in their living room? xD yeah.. not expecting to make a fortune (or even successfully sell anything) i think this stuff is mostly gonna be emotional catharsis. i kinda need it.


Lynn said...

Four words: Main Street Arts Festival.

Our friend Br. Karitas messaged me on Facebook to ask if I were going this year. Let me know if any of y'all want to go-with.

Jenni said...

Have fun playing and balancing the need for sleep with the need for entertainment.