Thursday, June 10, 2010

State of the Neko address: week 16, part 2

song+ My Heart- Paramore- All We Know Is Falling
book+ nothing- finally watching Avatar instead
scent+ vanilla
quest+ saving to visit Roro
upper+ i feel emotionally free
downer+ i don't make enough money.. x(
attire+ pajamas
drink+ dr pepper

much less comic book-y rambling today, i promise. xD it did occur to me (after posting) that it likely read like Greek to most of ya'll, and would even if i'd thought to add pictures or link to any kind of reference, so i'll attempt to be more mindful of that kind of thing.

i've made serious progress on AtLA. i managed to get through most of Book 2: Earth this week, and i plan to finish it and zip through Book 3: Fire by the end of this weekend. it's maintaining it's status as the best non-DC-licensed animated (American) show i've ever watched. i've seen better anime, but not very many really. i can see why so many people recommended it to me time and again. xD it's really astoundingly good.

i spent a good bit of today at work rearranging my department's workspace. a good chunk of it is being annexed by another department, so our stuff has to be out of the way, in a configuration we can work with, by the end of this workweek. we're pretty much there, thanks to my supreme awesomeness. xD i got a ton of cleanup done, and a good bit of heavy metal shelving shifted and reconfigured on my own, so our stuff is out of the way for the rest of the transformation tomorrow. there's still a little more cleanup to do, but that should be done tomorrow when everything gets (briefly) cleared out and the space being reassigned can be completely swept for the first time in about two years. it could seriously use a good sweeping too. X.x it's the part of the room where the walls leak when it rains and the floor floods a bit, so there's crumbled plaster chunks, and a few bits of waterlogged-then-dried-out moldy cardboard to be swept up and thrown out. it's pretty gross actually, but we couldn't see it or reach it before, so it was kinda stuck there.

now that i'm done with all the physically demanding parts, i'm super-tired. i've been tired all day, i woke up sleepy, in spite of going to bed at a normal-person time, but now i'm just wondering if i could somehow take a nap at my desk for half an hour without someone coming by to wake me up. i doubt it, people pass my desk all the time. all day every day, i'm situated between most people and the bathrooms and snack/soda machines, so since there's people using all of them all day long, i really never get a moment's peace over here. lots of the passers-by talk to me too, so it's really kinda crazy up in here. xD

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