Monday, June 7, 2010

State of the Neko address: week 16

song+ All the Lovers- Kylie Minogue- Aphrodite
book+ nothing- finally watching Avatar instead
scent+ steak
quest+ saving to visit Roro
upper+ i feel emotionally free
downer+ i don't make enough money.. x(
attire+ pajamas
drink+ milk

this weekend was pretty fun. i got through the first season of AtLA, and i'm liking it so far. two seasons left to get through, and i'm looking forward to it. having all my tv shows on summer hiatus gives me plenty of time to watch new things anyhow. xD i think when i'm done with this i'll maybe work on some of the other shows on my list. there's plenty to get to, really.

Kyu and i are thinking of holding off on moving for a bit longer. our lease is up this August, but we're thinking of staying through the new year (since we're already miserable, and know that winter is much more bearable here) to give ourselves time to save up some for fees and moving expenses. it also gives Moose a smidgen longer to pay off her debts. so presumably if she's not paying off what she owes 80 bajillion other people, it'll be easier to keep up with her responsibilities to us. honestly with delaying like this, if we reach 2011 and after a full year of living together there's still issues, we'll have to go our separate ways. an adjustment period is one thing, but a year of three people being dissatisfied isn't worth it. if after one year it's still not working out, we'll have to help her find something else to do. we all deserve to be happy with our living situations.

work is doing a lot better now than it was a few months ago. for a while everything was so hectic i couldn't even THINK when i got home. my life was literally just work, eat, sleep for a while. it's good to be feeling humanoid again. i'm at the point where i feel like i'm allowed to think about me again, without letting people down. also, mentally and emotionally i'm on an upswing finally, so i'm approaching something like a healthy place and it's good. things are bound to be easier for everyone else now too. it's hard to deal with a perpetually depressed person, almost as hard as it is to be one, i think. based solely on my own experiences of course.

i'm working on doing fun things again though. not just spending all my time forcing myself into one obsession or another to fill my time. i do legitimately love gaming, and reading, and doing things in the BJD hobby, but i no longer feel compelled to force myself to do those things just so i don't feel like a bad fan. i'm spending time switching between the things i love now, and also doing healthy non-obsessive things for fun. like i love to look up random things on Wikipedia, then just follow all the links until i come across something i already knew. sometimes it takes hours. xD i think it's fun though. i'm sleeping better too, my sleeping pattern is the first thing to go wonky when i feel depressed, so a proper night's sleep is the first sign of an upswing for me. so yay sleep, but not to an excessive degree!

I've been thinking about scaling some of my grand cosplay ideas down to doll-scale for FaithAnn and Rosalie. i'd talked about it before, but never made an attempt to start since it didn't work for anyone i had. Moose and i love to dress up though, so small (but accurate!) costumes for FaithAnn and Rosalie actually makes a lot of sense. especially since doll wigs are SO much easier to find, customize, and maintain in specific styles. i think i actually wanna start with possibly a classic like Wonder Woman or a Green Lantern/ Indigo tribeswoman set. giving Rosalie the Real Skin makes it slightly trickier to accurately costume her, but i think that cosplay in general already has a willingness to overlook things like that, things that can't really be changed just for accuracy's sake. i mean you don't generally see people too far off the character design, but fans also don't rush up to a cosplayer to be all “OMG NOOOOOO! your skin is a dusky peach, and Diana Prince is definitely a rosy alabaster!!1!” xD the focus is far more on accuracy of costume details and techniques used to achieve certain effects. i really do love costume details, they're my favourite part of design work. just thinking about it takes me into my happy place, mentally. i could totally be happy doing costuming for movies and stuff, i just dunno how i could ever get to that point, career-wise. -_-; it's kinda a leap from comic shop assistant manager of subscription service to movie costume designer or supervisor.. whatever. xD

i think there could be fun new challenges in doing doll-scale costuming though. not just the fiddliness inherent in detail work on a small scale, but trying to find accurate and appropriate materials to work with. particularly metalworking and the like. i know i'm WAY too picky to be satisfied with gold lame details on a Wonder Woman where there should be hammered gold or bronze. there's really no possible comparison at all. xD the classic Lynda Carter costume did it okay, but i'm of the opinion that okay isn't good enough and metal, even magic metal, can never be represented properly by fabric.

i really have no idea where i'd want to start though. xD maybe a fun Poison Ivy (though that'd suit Eve best) or Supergirl/Cassie Cain Batgirl, or even something a bit more obscure like Power Girl (for a blonde!Eve) or Stargirl/Mary Marvel. possibly even a Marvel character, like Scarlet Witch or Valkyrie, though my allegiance is (quite obviously) firmly in the DC camp. xD

nerdy tangent: it's not that i'm anti-Marvel, i just like the DCU so much more. i love the Legacies and the having to earn and respect your inheritance aspects. there's a lot less of that in the 616 Universe (Marvel mainstream for the un-nerds) due to the editorial thing where time kinda doesn't exist. like yeah, classics like Superman and Spider-Man haven't aged, which kinda makes sense, since they're really the bread and butter for the big two. yet somehow Franklin Richards (son of the Fantastic Four) has been like 6 for essentially forever, but the Runaways are 2 years older than their origin ages. X.x there's gross inconsistency in how the aging allowed is portrayed too: the Jessica Jones/ Luke Cage baby, is it an infant or a toddler? who knows! in one issue it was shown at three different ages by three different artists. i actually have an easier time processing DC's Multiverse theory. I GET Earth2, where everyone grew old and married and Batman and Catwoman's daughter became the Huntress, or Earth3 where good and evil are reversed, and even the Elseworld Earths- Amazonia, Red Son, Gotham by Gaslight, they're all amazing takes on how these classic characters could have been if even one thing was different. Marvel has a Multiverse too, but only like 2 of the universes are defined in ANY kind of coherent manner- 616 and Ultimate, which is just plain stupid. i honestly don't even know the number for the Ultimate 'verse, it has one, i just don't know it. the DC multiverse is even more fascinating for me because they limited it to 52 Earths. only 52, so each one better be WORTH existing. it's not like “Earth 6 is just like New Earth, except Superman has the cat and Supergirl has the dog, isn't that CRAZY?” -_- that's not a change worthy of being another world.

so yeah, off the nerd-talk, to slightly less nerdy talk. xD i'm thinking over how i want to approach the doll costuming. i think i wanna start simply.. maybe Supergirl first. skirts are simple enough, and capes are fun. xD i'll also get to practice resizing human patterns to doll-scale, especially with the challenge of the super curvy JiD girl dimensions. i think the first step will be tweaking workable underthing patterns, and a corset one too, because those could combine to get a good leotard/bodysuit pattern. from there i could do about anything i wanted to, really.

Kyu suggested something very difficult, but potentially crazy-fun for my first project: Red Lantern Mera (aka Mrs Aquaman) from the Blackest Night storyline. If i do that i'll wanna do a Star Sapphire Wonder Woman for her too (with a black wig, obviously) and kinda do a artfully arranged vs match, since their chick fight was pretty epic. xD "In darkness, love must survive." It must do more, it must triumph! indeed, Diana. i do * heart * me some Wonder Woman. And that particular costume didn't have any metalworking on it at all.


Lynn said...

I am with ComicStuff the way your big sisters are with DollStuff: blink-blink-blink-what?

I will be cannibalizing the usable portions of the old swimsuit, fairly soon. Interested in a share of the acres and acres of fabric, for doll swimsuits and superhero costumes?

nekokoi said...

yes! verily! xD