Monday, June 28, 2010

State of the Neko address: week 19

song+ Breakin' Dishes- Rihanna- Good Girl Gone Bad (Reloaded)
book+ Scott Pilgrim
scent+ leaky air conditioner
quest+ creative expression
upper+ ice cream with mommy!
downer+ our air conditioner keeps breaking
attire+ work clothes
drink+ milk

so my weekend was okay.. kinda boring really. xD i decided to start again on Blue Dragon since i couldn't really remember where i'd left off, and the beginning is the most fun. this play through is going so much smoother than any other because i already know when something tricky is about to happen, so i can stop and make sure i know the skills i need for it. xD my first time through i'd plunge ahead and end up under-leveled for a boss and unable to backtrack and level up anything. this time i thought to myself “that super annoying fight with the tigers that 1-hit kill is approaching.. i should level White and Black mage classes so i can use group heal and quake abilities” and i beat it first attempt, second cast of quake. xD a MUCH better outcome for sure. there's still a stupid wagon-escort mission to get through (i hate when game play is broken up by a 'get the civilians through this dangerous area!' mission) but after that i get my last party member and the world opens up to me. yay! xD

but yeah.. that's how little is going on lately. i'm reduced to rambling about old video games. xD well, i'm starting to read Scott Pilgrim, but i'm not really far enough along to talk about it yet. i mean, the first evil ex-boyfriend hasn't even been defeated yet, so i have a ways to go still. the movie looks pretty awesome though, so i'm looking forward to seeing it when it comes out. xD i mean, anything hailing itself as “an epic of Epic Epicness” has to be pretty awesome, right?

i think between the Last Airbender movie, the Scott Pilgrim movie, the release of Dragon Quest 9, and visiting Roro this summer should be pretty great. XD

unrelated: i never even thought before that it could take 2+ hours to rip the front cover off 915 copies of a crappy comic. X.x the covers get shipped back to the distributor and we get credited, the books get trashed. it seriously took me like 2 hours and 15 minutes to get it all done. ugh. such is the glamorous life, working in a comic shop.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

On the other hand, you got free ice cream for dinner last night, and you got to meet Chutzpah and play with her a little, so the day couldn't have been all bad!