Tuesday, December 1, 2015

7 day Q&A: day2

11. If you could change just one thing about the world what would it be?
i'd eliminate the stigma associated with mental health issues.
12. What is the most noticeable feature in your looks in your opinion?
probably my boobs. i'd love to say something else, but honestly they're pretty noticeable. currently my hair's pretty notable too, i guess.
13. Do you fear death?
no. struggling with depression throughout puberty means i thought it through pretty thoroughly. not afraid of it. in no hurry to get there, but unafraid.
14. Do you fear life?
more than i fear death. it's more i fear failing to make it mean anything.
15. What calms your nerves?
music, sleep, a loving hug and a bag of gummy candy, complete solitude. it depends on the stress source really.
16. Is there someone who gives a crap?
yes, more than one person.
17. Are you romantic?
sometimes? in theory i enjoy romance, in reality it frequently feels forced. there are romantic things i like, but as a whole, i guess i'm not traditionally romantic.
18. Stars or the sun?
stars. i love the stars, and i've always been a night person.
19. Rain for 90 days or drought for 90 days?
rain. love the rain. i sleep better during summer storm season than any other time of year.
20. What season do you enjoy most? What month?
i tend to like whatever i'm in, but i guess fall? not too hot or cold, plus PUMPKIN EVERYTHING and my favorite holiday. October specifically, my birthday and Halloween.

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