Friday, December 4, 2015

7 day Q&A: day5

41. Is small talk easy for you?
no. if i'm comfortable enough to really talk with someone, it's likely to be about things that matter,
42. Do you get along with classmates?
i haven't been in school for a long time, but i did well enough then. like we weren't super close, but things were generally cordial.
43. Best beauty tips?
do what makes you happy? if you feel uncomfortable, you don't usually look very good.
44. What ordinary things make you happy on a daily basis?
milk. puns, cute clothes, seeing things i've made or customized.
45. Are you creative?
i like to think so. i've been called as much by plenty, and i love doing crafty things, so yeah?
46. Name three things you look for in a partner.
..i don't really? i haven't dated much, but there was very little overlap among those people. and that overlap was mostly coincidence and not things i really care about?
47. Skirts or jeans?
skirts. i've never really been a fan of pants.
48. Do you fancy rompers?
not for myself no. i think they're cute on kids, and on some dolls and tiny skinny people.
49. Define your style in a few words: clothing style, talking style, dream house.
eclectic, colorful. i like a little of almost every style, so to some people my likes are just a huge mess.
50. Does practice make it perfect?
no, perfection is unattainable, but practice means improvement.

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