Sunday, December 13, 2015

there's that up-turned chin (and the grin of impetuous youth)

song+ I Believe In You -How to Succeed In Business Without Really Trying
book+ nothing?
quest+ finishing Christmas gifts
upper+ my thumb us nearly normal!
downer+ lingering grip troubles
attire+ pajamas
drink+ water

today's post was pre-drafted because mom's internet has been spotty the last month or so, and pre-drafting guarantees a Sunday post. i'm at mom's through Monday this weekend, so i can't just wait until i'm home and put it up then.

the rooting on Muffin's present got done late Thursday night and into stupid-early Friday morning, but it's done and glued and when i'm home again Monday the glue should be set enough to style the hair. in spite of the head breaking two needles, the re-root went pretty smoothly, considering it was my first in actual doll hair instead of yarn. all that's left for next week is the hair styling and the painting of her face, then she should be done. this timing will actually barely squeak into on-time since Muffin's out of town this Christmas, so we're doing the gift exchange featuring her early this year.

i'm taking along supplies to work on other Christmas gifts that need doing, and i figure mom has tasks in mind for this weekend, so i shouldn't be bored much, if at all. my big issue is still managing to get a decent amount of sleep. we'll see how that works out though.

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