Sunday, January 30, 2011

State of the Neko address: week 49, part 2

song+ Hello- Maroon5- Live Friday the 13th
book+ Beastly/ A Kiss In Time
quest+ finishing the dress that is infuriating me
upper+ my machine is purchased and i'm beading the Annoying Dress
downer+ there's plenty beading left to go, and a few mistakes to cover with it
attire+ pajamas (yay lazy clothes)
drink+ milk

i seem to be returning to a semblance of normalcy. my sugar cravings have (finally!) dwindled to a negligible level. i bought a package of cookies yesterday morning only to realize i didn't want to eat them, they're now in the kitchen waiting to be shared. xD my sleep pattern has also reset to something approaching human, for the third night in a row i went to bed in the evening and woke in the morning. it shouldn't be such a strange thing, but it seems revolutionary after the reverse for a month and some. xD

last night i made real progress on the current mystery project, aka Annoying Dress. the one i started a few weeks ago and still have yet to finish. i think i may have mentioned that i realized the fabric i'd chosen ended up being entirely wrong. it's too thick to lay as flat as i need it to, and too heavy to drape in the elegant way i planned for it, so i'm finishing it another way and i'll start Version Two (in new fabric i bought specifically for having the correct weight and thickness) when this one passes for something that doesn't make me want to hurl it across the room in frustration. hopefully that'll be later today. xD the construction is done so now i'm beading for embellishment, and to hide the spots where i screwed up. at least i learned from the mistakes though, so version two should go much more smoothly.

it's entirely possible i'm being too picky with Annoying Dress though, i took it with me to the tattoo shop last night (i was hanging out with Wolfie while Kyu was adding color to one of his tattoos) and multiple strangers identified the dress as about what i'd initially planned for it to be, expressed that it looked rather nice, and asked questions about my business selling them that made it seem much less crazy an endeavor. i know it's strange, but reassurance from strangers feels more genuine than the same from family.. awful, but true. strangers have no pressure to support or appreciate my efforts so anything they say feels more genuine somehow.

in other talk, i placed the order for my PukiFee Shiwoo (the one that'll be my little french kitty) last night. i'm still waiting for FairyLand to e-mail me the invoice so i can pay it, but i'm pretty excited about her, she'll be adorable and the work that'll go into making her just right won't bother me the slightest bit. i like project!dolls, they frequently end up meaning more.

anyhow, it's back to the studio to get some work done. the sooner i finish Annoying Dress, the sooner i can open up the machine and get started on Version Two. when they're both done i'll put up pictures so they can be compared.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

I'm glad that you got a new machine and here to happy sewing on it.